Picking out Ornaments
every year we pick out ornaments at a small local farmer's market in town called schuh farms. we usually get them when we get our tree, but this year we settled on a fake tree since stan was leaving. that and we put the tree up the day before halloween... and there are very few fresh cut trees available then! :)
so the girls picked out their ornaments... this is how the process went this year...
this is the ornament i really want!
maybe not... maybe i want this one...
every year we pick out ornaments at a small local farmer's market in town called schuh farms. we usually get them when we get our tree, but this year we settled on a fake tree since stan was leaving. that and we put the tree up the day before halloween... and there are very few fresh cut trees available then! :)
so the girls picked out their ornaments... this is how the process went this year...
this is the ornament i really want!
maybe not... maybe i want this one...
Those little angles of mine are the best ordinate picker outers on the planet! Merry Christmas Torrey and Emma. I love you.
ordinate, or ornament??
every time i pass schuh i have been wondering if you have gotten your ornaments yet :) now i know :)
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